Sep 26, 2024
9:30 PM-3:00 AM UTC

Managing Up Virtual Summit

Where: TBD

Organizer: Practically Perfect PA

Event Type: Online

Access: Paid

Pricing: $ 75.00

Event Notes: INDIVIDUAL TICKET $ 75.00

To succeed as an Assistant, effectively managing up is a game-changer.

This summit is your compass to navigating the subtleties of working with Executives and honing the skills that will establish you as a strategic partner. But our mission goes beyond just imparting knowledge! We’ll also arm you with actionable strategies to foster solid and productive relationships with your Executive and senior management, ensuring that your insights and contributions are valued and sought after.

Don’t just be a part of the conversation; drive it with The Managing Up Virtual Summit for Assistants. Enroll today and elevate your influence in the boardroom and beyond.