Nov 14, 2024
5:00 AM-6:00 AM UTC

The Art of Adaptability: Skills for Navigating the New and Unknown

Where: TBD

Organizer: C&C Search

Event Type: Online

Access: Free

Pricing: 0

Times of uncertainty and rapid change can cause significant disruption, stress and turmoil in the workplace. This workshop looks at why people have a tendency to resist change and the strategies we can use to manage change more effectively.

What we will cover:

  • Why change is beneficial.

  • The psychology behind change and why our brain can struggle with it.

  • How the brain creates negative bias and simple tips for managing it.

  • The stages of change and the different ways people respond to change.

  • How to apply strategies for adapting to change and uncertainty in a positive and productive way.

  • What support and resources are available.