ManAs vzw (Antwerps Netwerk voor Management Assistants)

An informal network of management assistants. In short, we are a management assistants club where networking is the common thread. We organize an activity approximately every month. This could be a lecture, a workshop, or an interactive performance. Assistants, but also sympathizers, and students come together and learn something new. Network in a casual way by learning about the latest trends, facts, and tips from different fields.

From innovative entrepreneurship to scent marketing, from a visit to a recycling company to dismissal law. Very diverse topics, each with a mix of information and eagerness to learn. We have already welcomed Herman Van de Velde, Petra De Sutter, Rudi Vranckx, Saskia Van Uffelen, and the American Bonnie Low-Kramen.

ManAs was founded in 1973. In 2023, ManAs had completed 50 years. But still young at heart. Started as an 'executive secretary club' by some passionate secretaries from Antwerp. They saw the opportunity to bring like-minded souls together in a professional platform. In 2000, the networking club was renamed 'Management Assistants Club' to what it is today

Flemish Region