The Linchpin Assistant

'Liz Van Vliet, the founder and trainer behind The Linchpin Assistant. If the surname tripped you up, don't worry. For the record, it's Van Vl-ie-t, as in f-e-e-t. It's not as fancy as it first looks, hey?

Many of the EAs and administrative assistants that I've worked with, and the clients I help today, have excellent hard skills. They're good at their jobs, and they're efficient at providing all levels of administrative support. But these same EAs lack the interpersonal skills that can take them from being 'good' to being 'great'.

They're what I call 'POWER Skills', and without them, you can lack the confidence you need to perform at a high level. You can feel stuck, unappreciated, and at risk of replacement.

If this sounds like you, you're not alone.

I developed my Linchpin Assistant Framework to help assistants learn these POWER Skills. You'll gain the confidence you need to better support your manager and achieve your career goals.

New South Wales