Zoom and slack

Integrate your Tools

Zoom and Slack Integrations with Execify offer deep integration with the scheduler and AI Assist, making coordination seamless. Schedule Zoom meetings, share updates, and manage workflows directly from AI and streamline communication effortlessly when using the Scheduler.

Get Started Today

Free 2 Account Org Setup

Execify offers a full-featured FREE 2 Acount Org setup to start accelerating your Executive Operations today!

Pick a plan below to setup your organization

$0 / month / 2 users

$0 / year / 2 users

Full-featured: Starting point for an EA & Executive 2 person team or power users combining a personal & business account.

Start leveraging an Executive Operations Platform today!

$20 / user / month

$200 / user / year (2 months free)

Larger Orgs: Built to accommodate teams or power users that need 3 or more personal or business accounts. 

 Expand Usage: Get more AI, Group Scheduling, and automation

$35 / user / month

$350 / user / year (2 months free)

Unlimited Usage: The ultimate plan for pro teams or super users needing 3 more accounts & robust capabilities.

Unlimited Usage: AI and Group Scheduling Capabilities

$60 / user / month

$600 / user / year  (2 months free)

Enterprise-featured: Tailored for large orgs needing advanced AI, many accounts, and enhanced security.

Unlimited Usage: AI and Group Scheduling Capabilities.